Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just some ramblings about natural cosmetics

I can't believe that Christmas is just over 2 weeks away. Where did the time go?

I got an e-mail today encouraging blog posts everyday until 2011. Seems like a lofty goal, but I am up for the challenge! I can't promise that every post will be fascinating, but I will give it my best!!

I have recently discovered that I can't wear the make-up you buy in the store and THEN I figured out that hairspray was also causing me problems. The last couple of weeks have been somewhat overwhelming, but I went to work! I bought mineral make up (loving it) but the price ACK! I am washing my hair in apple cider vinegar, so if you see me on the street and my hair looks a wreck that's why! They say it takes a couple weeks for your hair to adjust not being dried out by all the stuff in shampoo (we will see).

I have been lamenting over the cost of the mineral make-up, thinking there has to be a more economical way to wear make up when I came across a book in the book store on making your cosmetics (Yeah it is on my Christmas list). I was amazed at what I found!! Everything from eyeshadow to foundation to zit zapper and aftershave!! WOW!! I had my 11 year old hold the book while I scribbled down the websites listed in the back of the book for getting supplies!! There was one website in particular that I really like . TKB has kits for making your own foundations, blushes and eye shadows as well as supplies for mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick. (Guess what my teenage girls are getting for Christmas!)
I sure hope Santa brings me that book (but if he doesn't I will order it Christmas day)!

So I have solved the make up cost problem! Hairspray, really? How can that possibly be? With a little research I found homemade hairspray recipes. I haven't tried it yet, but I did make some last night. It couldn't be simpler 2 cups water and a lemon peeled and chopped up boil until have the water is gone. Cool and put into a spray bottle. I will let you know how it works!

I am excited about making cosmetics. I already make all our bath soaps, laundry soaps, lotions and skin ointment so cosmetics just kinda naturally falls next in line! I promise there will be updates as I figure this stuff out. In the meantime check out this other site I found--plenty of good stuff here to make you think this is where I found the homemade hairspray recipe and some other stuff I am trying!!


aardvarkpest said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I've had Fibro for 11 years now and some days life sucks but my crafting keeps my mind busy and helps take the edge off the pain along with the pain killers.
Feel free to e-mail anytime


Noelle Rae said...

My husband and I do not like the smell of after-shave, but he needs it. Do you know of any way to get the sting out without scent?