Wow I have 28 followers?!? My goal was to have 30 by the end of September,
with 2 more I will have reached my goal for the month!!
I was thinking today that it would be fun to have some sort of swap or contest. I think I have it figured out. I like to journal, but I am not real consistent though. When I journal I find that I am more motivated when I use pretty papers and stickers. I make my own scrapbook journal pages. The pages reflect my mood or whatever I am writing about. I also seem to write more when I have topics to write about, and I don't mean 'What is your favorite childhood memory?'
BORING!! I know those are important experiences to write about, but come on people how many times have you written a journal entry on your favorite childhood memory? I want some good meaty topics. Something interesting, different, creative.
Here is the challenge--
1. Post a journal entry topic (really think about this one)
2. Tell me how you like to journal
3. Follow my blog
4. Have a friend follow my blog (list friends blog and/or name)
That is 4 entries! I will draw 1 entry to win a journal package from me. I don't know what it will be yet, probably some of my favorite papers, stickers, page protectors, a nice pen--stuff like that! There is plenty of time to enter, I think I will do the drawing on October 31, 2010.
I can't wait to see the topics everyone comes up with. After the drawing I will compile all the topics into one post for everyone to see.
I guess I should have added 'leave a comment for each of the four entries and you will be entered in my drawing'. I am knew to this, so your patience is greatly appreciated!