Sunday, May 26, 2013

Let's get healthy

I was approached by a friend who asked if I wanted to get involved with Beachbody with her. I thought why not and holy cow now I am hooked on Shakeology! I mean I LOVE this stuff! It is an amazing nutrition shake that I drink at least once a day. I have squelched my sugar cravings with it, and lost about 6 pounds in less than a week. My workouts have been more productive because I have more energy and stamina. I am telling you this is the greatest nutritional shake I have found. I thought I would share some of the nutritional info with you.

Nutritional Information on Shakeology
What is Shakeology

If you need a great reason to workout and get fit then you should get in on this fitness challenge on Facebook. It starts on Monday and there are prizes. Check it out Fitness Challenge.

I am so looking forward to getting in on this fitness challenge and having some motivation but one thing is for sure I do NOT need motivation to drink my shakeology!

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