I have searched high and low for ideas on how to schedule the new 1 hour nursery and can't find anything! Really? I can't believe that no one has an opinion on how to schedule nursery!
I have been a nursery leader for many years, it seems to be the only calling I am cut out for. I studied preschool education at Ricks College (BYU-I) many years ago. That is where it all started I guess.
We recently moved, and having been released from nursery 2 years ago and not having a calling wouldn't you know it, I get called to nursery in the new ward. Then the announcement of the new schedule. After spending the first few wee
ks getting nursery manuals, cleaning up the nursery and implementing an actual schedule I am ready to dive into this new schedule. I welcome discussion, I don't profess to know everything and I am very open to others' ideas.
My thoughts are focusing on the basics; lesson, singing time, active play, and lesson activity. I like to have the kids color while I do the lesson, it helps them focus and makes a quiet(ish) moment for a spiritual thought. I have also decided to do snack at the very end and have ziplock baggies available to send the snack home as they are being picked up. I think the 'bubble time' might be best at the very beginning after sitting in sacrament meeting for an hour. With all that in mind here is what I think my schedule will look like.
10am-10:15 Greeting time/bubbles/active play
10:15-10:25 Singing time
10:25-10:40 Lesson
10:40-10:50 Lesson activity/art project
10:50-11:00 snack time
I am sure this will be tweeked a few times to make it work just right, but for now I think it will work beautifully.
Give me your thoughts, what is your plan for nursery in the new year?